The kids were off from summer school due to the fourth of July holiday so we decided to hike Makiki Valley Loop. All ten of us: Shasta, Hurley, Sugar, Michelle, Marc, Nicole, Aunty Meta, Ezekiel, Zephen and I headed to the Maunalaha trailhead. The steady inclined path was well shaded and easy to hike. We walked through a variety of greenery from bamboo to Jacob’s Tears to Norfolk pines and eucalyptus trees. The boys could have cared less about the scenery and were expecting rocks to climb and jump like at Wa`ahila Ridge. They were definitely bored after a mile or so, and their patience was running short.
About an hour later, although it felt more like two, we reached the top. Marked by a bench to rest, we sat and had lunch. The kids ran around and played, picked up sticks, and balanced and jumped off a tree stump. I think they had more fun playing at the top than the actual hike.
The trek down was much steeper than the walk in. It was very rooty so once again the kids had a great time running, jumping, and playing. After a long three hours we finally completed the loop.
Overall, Makiki Valley Loop is a good outdoor activity for the family.
Personally I like hikes with more views and challenges, and today I learned so do our children.
Directions: From Nehoa turn left onto Makiki Heights Drive and into the Hawaii Nature Center entrance (when the road takes a sharp left go straight onto the dirt road). Soon after passing the main gate there is a "Visitor and Hiker" parking lot on the left. From there walk towards the back-right of the Nature Center to the Maunalaha trailhead and hike left.