Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pali Notches II

I really miss hiking with Shas. 
Our hikes have become far and few in between which makes me enjoy this summer more than any other. I realize it is probably the last one where we will have the time and liberty to hike at all. Plus we're getting older. Soon our bodies won't be able to keep up.
Such is life...

Today was a beautiful day, a great day to scale the second notch. I didn't even think about how windy and cold the Pali always is regardless of how hot it may be at home. It reminds me that I should invest in a wind breaker to keep in my Camelbak for times like these. From our last hike up the Pali Notches I knew to take the farthest left path since it had trees and brush to aid in the ascent. Today was no different and it was still slippery but not as nearly as when Beimes and I had to grab onto grass to help us up--grass! 

Another perk of taking the left path is that it climbs the ridge line. Within a few minutes gorgeous views of Kaneohe emerged, and before we knew it Shas and I were at the open grassy area. We continued upward cautiously climbing the rock face and reaching the first notch about 15 minutes later. This time there were no clouds. In front we could see from China's Hat to Rabbit Island, and behind from Nuuanu Reservoir all the way to Downtown.

We took a nice break, briefly checked out the descent of the first notch and decided to go for the second. I have to admit the hike to it was nerve-racking, and as I carefully placed each foot and grab hold it became clear why so many people are satisfied atop just the first. We made it safely between the two notches and like Pali Puka the wind funneled through the 15 foot by 15 foot cut. It was freezing! The hike up the second notch was rather easy. However, on top the path was much narrower than the first making walking and resting on it not one bit relaxing. Add in the wind factor and it definitely got my heart pumping. After a lot of pictures we began our climb down the second notch, back up the first, and down the remainder of the mountain back to Pali Lookout.

It was a great two hours, and now I can say I completed the Pali NotchES.

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